Student Online Resources

Los Angeles Valley College has created several online services to assist you with your education. These services provide support for students that may be unable to physically take advantage of the in-person services that LAVC offers.

Online Bookstore

LAVC Bookstore online is your place for official Los Angeles Valley College textbooks, gear and supplies. You can buy or sell used and new textbooks, find official Los Angeles Valley College gear, and purchase software and gifts — all online.

Visit the LAVC Bookstore Online

Financial Aid Office

The LAVC Financial Aid Office website has been designed to enable you to understand what we have to offer and what you must do to apply and qualify for financial aid at Los Angeles Valley College.

Visit the Financial Aid Office Website

Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center provides free tutoring and academic/computer support services for a wide variety of subjects at Los Angeles Valley College.

Visit the LAVC Academic Resource Center (ARC)

NetTutor Specialized Tutoring

Students can connect; with a real, live tutor through one-on-one sessions and submit questions and files for professional tutor feedback via Canvas.

Learn about free online tutoring from NetTutor

Information about Pronto

Some instructors utilize Pronto, software that facilitates communication via one-on-one messages and whole-class chat.

Learn more about Pronto.

Information about Proctorio

Some instructors utilize Proctorio, software that protects academic integrity in learning environments.

Learn more about Proctorio.

Help Links

Canvas Live Chat Assistance 24/7
Class Login

Canvas Login Instructions

  1. In a web browser, go to
  2. LoginID/UserID: Your 9-digit student ID number (example: 881234567 or 900123456)
  3. Password: Same as your SIS password (where you registered for the class). Show me.